Alpine tve t730, Pesemske sledi verovanja v nadnaravno moč vode

Alpine tve t730

Баянбаева А. Посудомоечная машина Ariston LI :. Доступно немед Автоматическая термоформовочная машина M98 с использованием режущего инструмента на месте пуансон и матрица с технологией откидывания Станция формовки Главный привод с сервоприводом Привод наклонного стола с сервоприводом Электрическая регулировка Котел Baxi Luna HT :.

Ауезова, туристы, был основан в г. Find the following sentences from the text:а Это один из красивейших городов мира. Read the cardinal and ordinal numerals, 15, 41st, 12, 22nd, , 1st, 2nd, 3rd, , , , 63rd, 20, 21st. Read the dates, , , , , , 15th June, , 22nd May , 30th January, , 1st March, I was born in My birthday is on the 23rd of March.

He graduated from the University last year. She saw Peter last Sunday. I wore a uniform at school. Read the following words paying attention to pronunciation of endings —d, -eda forced, washed, worked, stopped, developed, askedb entered, lived, saved, answered, effusedc operated, prevented, studied, waitedd suffered, called, treated, recovered. M, Moscow, In the modern world English is almost the main language of communication.

And since it is the subject of ours, we are to learn not only the language itself, but also, it is of great importance to study the historical English speaking world — Britain. Thus it will develop their mental outwork. Grammar: In the English language there are several types of preposition according to their roles. They can be prepositions of places and directions or directions and motions. Accordingly each of them may have an important stylistic meaning. For example with the meanings of frequently used prepositions such as at, on, in, into, etc.

Thus it is also important to know the usage of them in the phrases and sentences. England, Scotland, and Wales occupy the territory of Great Britain.

The surface of the UK varies greatly. All the rest is a vast plain, which is called the Lowlands. One of the chief industries is shipbuilding. The UK is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head. You may go to the reference of Prepositions in Maslova A. Northern Ireland is situated in the northern part of Ireland.

The capital of the UK is London. There are many beautiful lakes in the mountainous part of the country. GB is a country with old cultural traditions and customs. Demonstrative pronouns 1 Translate the following pronouns and add possible nouns to each. First is.

The territory of the United Kingdom is about two hundred and forty four thousand square kilometers. The population of the United Kingdom is over 56 million people. The capital of the United Kingdom is London. The surface of the United Kingdom varies greatly. The northern and the western parts of the country are mountainous and are called the Highlands. The mountains are not very high. The rivers are not very long. The most important of them are the Severn and the Thames.

It is mild the whole year round. Winters are not cold and summers are not hot. Great Britain is highly a developed industrial country.

Great Britain is a country with old cultural traditions and customs. The most famous educational centers are Oxford and Cambridge universities. They are considered to be the intellectual centers of Europe. The education is not free, it is very expensive. The United Kingdom is a monarchy and the Queen is the head of the state.

But in practice the United Kingdom is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head. There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour party, the Conservative party and the Liberal party. The general description of Great Britain.

The geographical position of Great Britain. Great Britain as an industrial country. Education in Great Britain. Its governmental system. Control: questions to the theme What is the full name for GB?

How many parts does it consist of? What can you tell about its geographical position? Name the mountains which were mentioned in the text. Who is the head of the state? How many political parties do they have? What are they? Literature: 1.

Contact hours 2 Theme: London is the capital of Great BritainLexics: words and word- combinationsGrammar: Zero and definite articles with geographical namesAim:to introduce new lexics; to teach the students to use the articles the, zero in their speech; to teach the students to use new lexics in their speech. Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, work on material: it would help the students to speak about London.

Pay attention to the correct pronunciation and read the words:River, Westminster, Tower, St. Pauls Cathedral, square, Buckingham palace, Isles, Kingdom. Remember the pronunciation of the following words and learn themPolitical-политическийEconomic- экономическийCommercial- коммерческийDivide- делитьNumerous-многочисленныйFortress- крепостьPalace- дворецHotel- отельSquare- площадьShop- магазинIsles- островаSituate- располагатьсяTower- башня3. Pauls Cathedral. Translate into English:Сити- старейшая часть Лондона, его финансовый и коммерческий центр.

Вестминстер- это наиболее важная часть столицы. Магазины, театры, музеи находятся в западной части. Широкие улицы с красивыми домами, парки, сады расположены в центре города.

Оксфорд был торговым центром. Сегодня Оксфорд- лучший образовательный центр. Лондонский Тауэр был крепостью, сейчас это музей. Control:Variant 1Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:… Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar and in rebuilt by William the Conqueror.

Variant 3Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:Across the road from… Westminster Abbey is Westminster Palace, the seat of the British Parliament. Variant 4Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:Westminster is … aristocratic official part of London.

Variant 5Fill in missing articles and translate the sentence:London is situated on … river Thames. Trafalgar square is the geographical centre of London.

It is one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. London is situated on the river Thames. The city is very old. It has more than 20 centuries old history. They are very different from each other. The City is the oldest part of London.

It is a financial and business centre. Numerous banks, offices and firms are concentrated here. Few people live in the City but over a million come to work here. Two architectural masterpieces are situated within the City: St. The Tower of London was built in the th century. It was used as a fortress, a palace and a prison. Westminster is the aristocratic official part of London. It includes Buckingham Palace where the Queen lives and the houses of Parliament along the north bank of the Thames.

Westminster Abbey is the place where the coronation of all kings and queens has taken place. Many of them are buried here as well as some other famous people of the country. The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London. The best hotels, restaurants, shops, clubs, parks and houses are situated there. There are many various shops in it, which attract tourists from different countries of the world.

The East End is an industrial district of London. There are many factories there. The region is densely populated by working class families.

Students have to talk about parts of London What is the City? What is Westminster? What is the West End?

What is the East End? Write each 7-th word of the text. Make up sentences with following word- combinations:- with old cultural traditions and customs- the most famous educational centers- the Head of the State- Political parties.

Traditionally it is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and …. Few people live in the City, but over a million come to …. The best hotels, restaurants, shops, clubs, parks and houses are situated …. Trafalgar square is the …. Translate into Russian:It is one of the largest cities in the world. The Tower of London was used as a fortress, a palace and a prison. Translate into English:Население Лондона составляет около 8 миллиона человек. Лондон расположен на берегу реки Темза.

Сити самая старая часть Лондона. Вестминстерское Аббатство- место , где происходит коронация всех королей. Control: questions, role- playing game, rendering texts, dialogues 1. What is the capital of England and the UK? What is the City? When and by whom was the Tower of London built? Into which parts is London divided? Where are many famous English peoples buried? Why Trafalgar Square was named so?

Where is the Tower of London and St. Translate into English and dramatize the dialogue between a Londoner and a visitor of London. Доброе утро! Как поживаете? Спасибо, хорошо. Сколько дней вы в Лондоне? Какие достопримечательности города Вам удалось увидеть?

Я видел Вестминстерский дворец. Это хорошо. Но в Лондоне много других известных мест. Если хотите, давайте посмотрим! Translate into English and dramatize the following dialogue between two friends. One of them is a Londoner. Привет, как дела? А не пойти ли нам посмотреть достопримечательности? Хорошая идея! Какие достопримечательности ты хочешь мне показать? Я хотел бы посетить Трафальгарскую площадь. QuestionsExcuse me, can you tell me…- how to get to…- the way to …- how far it is to ….

Base thematic issues:This lesson is inspired by text describing the educational system of great Britain, its structure and lexical issues focusing on presents Perfect Tense and educational terms. Method of teaching: performing practical classes, work on material: it would help the students to speak about Education in Great Britain.

Presantation of the text. Home task:1 to learn new vocabulary2 to do exercises from the work-out3 to learn grammar material. Recomended literature: - The text «Education in Great britain». Participle of them: To be to work To have to listen To take to translate To go to find To ask to help 2 Translate into English:Сломанный карандашГород, окруженный деревьямиДанный текст. Choose from the following verbs those that are irregular and give the Past Participle of them:to break to beto have to giveto appear to talkto make to cureto choose to pay.

Conjugate the verb «to listen» in the Present Perfect. Make up sentences using the Present Perfect of the verbs:to attendto enterto take. Conjugate the verb «to study» in the Present Perfect. Make up sentences the Present Perfect of the verbs:to go to studyto ask. Basic thematic issues: Lexics: There are different types of education in our country. They are: pre — school education, general education, primary and secondary education, other educational programmes and higher education. It is necessary to introduce students with new lexical material in order to know about the process of education in Kazakhstan.

The text is full of special words and word — combinations which prepare students to the reading and understanding them. Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, including key themes of discipline, reading and translating texts, compiling topics, dialogues, doing lexico-grammatical exercises, working with book and computer programs.

Remember: The letter c is read [s] before e, i, y : century, cycle, cent; in other cases [k] : education, contain, cut. The letter g is read [] before e, i, y: surgery, gin, technology; in others cases [g]: gums, games, egg.

Read and explain the rules of reading.

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Group the words from ex. Learn these words and word combinations paying attention to the correct pronunciation:kindergarten — детский садsecondary — среднее Natural Sciences — естественные наукиtechnical schools — технические школыcolleges —колледжи gifted children — одаренные детиspecial schools - специальные школыgymnasiums - гимназииlyceums — лицеиprivate — частный higher education — высшие образованиеat the age — в возрастеa lot of new subjects — множество новых предметов. Give Russian equivalents to the following word — combinations: прежде чем, продолжить образование, профессиональное училище, кроме основного типа, изучать предметы, детский сад, начальная школа, специализированные средние школы, интенсивное обучение, балетные школы, спортивные школы, особо одаренные дети, специальные школы для детей — инвалидов, бесплатное образование, система образования.

Compose 5 sentences using the following words and word — combinations: natural sciences, gifted children, a higher education, in order to enter, those who successfully pass.

Grammar: Future Perfect Tense. Read the following sentences and compare English and Prussian translations:. I will have written a letter Я напишу письмо до того, before he comes tomorrow. Remember:The fist sentence is the Present Perfect Tense. The second sentence is the Future Perfect Tense.

We make it with will have and the past participle of the main verb. To form regular past participles, we add - ed to the verb stem: work — worked. Many common verbs have an irregular past participle: write — wrote — written. To make questions we put will in front of the subject. Will he have written a letter by 3 clock tomorrow? Read and translate the words paying attention to the pronunciation. Before going to school, children attend kindergartens until they are six or seven.

Compulsory education begins in our country at the age of seven, when children. The secondary stage begins from the 5 th form when children start studying a.

Examinations are taken at the end of the 9-th and the th forms. Some children may leave school after the 9-th form and continue their. Besides secondary schools there are other types of schools in Kazakhstan. There are specialized secondary schools with intensive study of a certain subject, for example Foreign Languages, Literature, Physics and others. There are also specialized art, music, ballet and sport schools for gifted children and special schools for handicapped children.

Secondary education in our country is free of charge. Among secondary schools there are gymnasiums, colleges and lyceums most of them are private. There are institutes, schools of higher education, universities and academies among higher educational institutions.

In Kazakhstan system of higher education adopted the western model — a 4 years course of studies with getting the Bachelor degree after graduation and.

In order to enter a higher educational institution young people have to take an entrance examination. Only those who successfully pass entrance testing are admitted free of charge. In other cases education is given on the commercial basis. Find English equivalents of the following word combinations in the text: attend kindergartens, at the age of, a lot of new subjects, leave school, continue education, besides secondary schools, specialized schools, with intensive study, for gifted children, pass entrance testing.

Complete the sentence using the text information. Children attend kindergartens until they are Compulsory education begins in our country at the There are special schools for Secondary education in our country is Gumnasiums, colleges and lyceumus are There are institutes, universities and academies among To enter a higher educational institution young people have to take Translate the following sentences into English.

Казахстанская система высшего образования в году переняла западную модель с 4-мя годами обучения с получением степени бакалавра и двумя дополнительными годами для получения степени магистра.

Бесплатное высшее образование получают те абитуриенты, которые проходят республиканское тестирование. В остальных случаях основа обучения платная. Часть учащихся могут покинуть школу после 9-го класса и продолжить образование в профессиональных училищах. Среднее образование начинается с 5-го класса, где дети изучают множество новых предметов, таких как литература, история, естественные науки и т.

Экзамены проводятся в 9-х и х классах. В Казахстане кроме основного типа средних школ есть и другие типы. Существуют специализированные средние школы с интенсивным изучением какого-либо одного предмета, например, иностранного языка, литературы, физики и т.

Read the following sentences and compare them with the translation. He said that he lived in Almaty. Он сказал, что живет в Алмате. He said that he had lived in Almaty. Он сказал, что жил в Алмате. He said that he would live in Almaty. Он сказал, что будет жить в Алмате. Make up dialogues about the education in Kazakhstan. Using the expressions given below. Control:Questions to the theme:-When do children attend kindergartens in our country?

Essential English for Medical students. Moscow Language laboratory exercises for medical students. Essential vocabulary for medical students. Aim: the students have to know all about the country of the studied language, particularly, about the scientist of Great Britain, get acquainted with the biography and his contribution to science. Basic thematic issues:Lexics: the students have to know lexics of the text "Edward Jenner" words and word-combinations of the text and are ablе to use new lexics of the text in their speech.

They are helping verbs that express a wide range of meanings ability, permission, possibility, necessity, etc. Most of the modals have more than one meaning. Translate into Russian: spread rapidly, mechanism of protection, could be transmitted, clinical surgery, experimental investigation, honours. Write down three things you can do. Which of these things can you do in your town. Make sentences.

Explain the usage of may and might and translate the following sentences:You may take any book you like. She told him that he might go home. He may come tonight, but I am not sure. I said that he was not in the house, but he might be in the garden. Make a logical conclusion. Use must:a. Chu has a big smile on her face. Emily is coughing and sneezing.

Jack always gets the highest score on every test he takes. Complete the dialogues with must or must not: a. Did you offer our guests something to drink? Edward Jenner was born in in Berkeley, England and died in , English surgeon and discoverer of vaccination for smallpox. Jenner was born at a time when the patterns of british medical practice and education were undergoing gradual change.

He was a country youth, the son of clergyman. Edward acquired a love of nature remained with him all his life. He attended grammar school and at the age of 13 was apprentice to nearby surgeon. On completing his apprentice ship at the age of 21 he went to London and became the house pupil of John Hunter. From no one else could Jenner have received the stimuli that so confirmed an interest in biological phenomena, disciplined powers of observation, a reliance on experimental investigation.

In addition to his training and experience in biology Jenner made progress in clinical surgery. He was capable, skillful and popular.

Smallpox was widely spread in the 18th century, and occasional outbreaks of special intensity resulted in a very high death rate. The only means of combating the disease was the so-called inoculation. Jenner had been expressed by the fact that a person who had suffered an attack of cowpox — a relatively harmless disease that could be contracted from cattle — could not take the smallpox — i. Jenner concluded that cowpox not only protected against smallpox but could be transmitted from one person to another as a deliberate mechanism of protection.

The story of the great breakthrough is well known. In May Jenner found a young dairymaid , Sarah Nelmes, who had fresh cowpox lesions on her finger. The first child whom Jenner introduced the substance from cowpox vesicles was an eight-year-old boy, Jimmy Phipps.

The procedure spread rapidly to the European continent, then to America, and soon was carried around the world. Jenner not only received honors but also aroused opposition and found himself subjected to attacks, despite which he continued his activities in behalf of vaccination. Find in the text the following wогd -соmbinatiоns : клиническая хирургия, механизм защиты, экспериментальное исследование, сын священника, любовь к природе.

Insert prepositions where necessary:. Edward Jenner was the discoverer ….. He studied medicine …. His persistent scientific work resulted …… the the discovery of vaccination against smallpox. The vaccination is effective …. Prolonged period. Complete the sentences using the text information:a. Edward Jenner was born in ……. He was ……c. Edward acquired a love of ……d. Smallpox was widely spread in the ……e.

Jenner concluded that cowpox ……. Trans1ate the following sentences : a. The disease had bееn соmmоn for centuries in manу соuntгiеs of Asia.

Тhеге were few реорlе who recovered from the disease. Immunity, mау vary depending оn various conditions. Express the essence of every paragraph in a short sentence and entitle eachparagraph. English surgeon and great discoverer2. Reliance on experimental investigation. Dangerous disease. Deliberate mechanism of protection. First inoculation. The magic procedure. Answer the questions:a Who was the discoverer of vaccination?

Edward Jenner was born ina. Edward Jenner acquired a love ofa. The only means of combating smallpox wasa. Fundamentals of English Grammar.

Betty S. Theme: The prominent medical scientists of KazakhstanLexics: words and word-combinationsGrammar: Constructions going to, would like to, want toAim: to teach the students to tell about scientific research work of prominent medical scientists, living in Kazakhstan; to study new lexical and grammar material and to use it in their speech. In texts about prominent medical scientists of Kazakhstan new lexics and special English medical terminology are widely used.

Studying of special English medical terminology helps the students to read and translate more complicated medical texts and is very important for their future professional work. Grammar: In English language the grammar construction going to, would like to, want to are widely used. They have an important stylistic meaning. They are used in such cases, when the narrator wants to pay attention of his listener on the importance of the reported information or when the narrator wants to stress the most important phrases and sentences in his speech or in written text.

These constructions are translated into Russian language as: собираться, хотеть, сделать что-либо. These constructions are often used in stories about life and research work of prominent scientists, etc. I want to tell you about scientific and pedagogical work of T. Pay attention to the pronunciation and read the words;son, upper, above, adult, among, another, become, blood, colour, consult.

Remember the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, and learn them. Match the words A and B. Read these sentences and answer the questions. What cases are these constructions used in English language? How are these constructions translated in Russian language?

Can we use these constructions, when we tell topics about life and research work of prominent scientists? Read and translate the following sentences.

Pay attention to the use of constructions want to, would like to, going to. At the end of my report I would like to say you, why I had chosen this theme. I want to tell you about scientific research work of prominent German scientist R.

My friend is going to enter Medical University. My friend wants to work as an intern at an in-patient department. I would like to tell you about political and pedagogical activity of S.

Make up six sentences of your own, using constructions would like to, want to, going to. Read and translate the text A.

Asfendiarov was a revolutionary, political man, author of works on history of KZ, doctor. He was the first rector of Almaty State Medical Institute.

He was born on the 20th of October in Tashkent, in a family of a military statesmen, that he was a son of a poor sultan became false. If in very truth, S. Khan Abulhair had 7 sons. The fourth of them was sultan Aishuar, who became the leader of Junior Juz. In accordance with the family, one of his sons Sigal was the grandfather of S. In times of Alexander the first he was given some land near river Amu — Darya. In the end of the first term of the 19th century in the life of society appeared his son — Asfendiar Sigalin.

He was one of the most well-known persons of that time. He perfectly understood that children were needed high education to get success and fame. That is why one of his sons Seitjaphar got the best education in the school of frontier commission.

Seitjaphar A. He mastered in perfection turk, tajik and farsy languages. Most of all Seitjaphar A. Most probably the education of father helped his son Sanzhar in his future life, because the depth of erudition, which can be found in his works organically, enters the life of a man from youth.

After graduation from Tashkent secondary college in , he entered the Military Medical Academy in Petersburg, which he finished in So he was one of the first Kazakh doctors. At the beginning of the 1 st World War a young doctor went to the front. In years of revolution and establishment of Soviet Power S.

Kuibyshev, T. Ryskulov, D. In he was appointed as National Commissar of the Turkistan health care. During this period S. In he got the grade of the professor of Moscow University of East Nations, where for a long time he had been reading lectures. It was a bright and fruitful period in a life of scientist and teacher.

He was one of the first directors of Kazakhstan Pedagogical Institute from — Later on, having been the head of Ministry of Health Care he contributed much in becoming and developing of medicine in Kazakhstan. From — year S. In he was accused of treachery of Soviet Republic and was shot. Today, the fund exists, which was organized by his name.

And at the end of my report I would like to say, why I had chosen this. I think that it is our duty to know the history of one of the brightest persons of our Kazakh medicine, because thanks to him we study in one of the best Universities.

Muminov T. He graduated from Almaty state medical institute. He published more then scientific articles and books. He is the author of 10 monographs and textbooks. Under his supervision 5 doctors of Medical Science and 10 PhD defended thesis and got their degree. He is the author of several variants of State standard and the concept of High medical education. He is awarded to Albert Schweitzer Gold Medal for humanism and the contribution to development of a medical science In Muminov T.

He was the lecturer of Phthisiopulmonologic department of Almaty State Institute for postgraduate education from till After defending the thesis for the Doctor of medical science DMS degree in he was elected as the chief of phthisiology and pulmonology department of Almaty State Institute for postgraduate education.

From till D-r Muminov was the head of the department of science and education of the Ministry of Health. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word combinations are used in the texts. Political man, military statesman, high education, one of the first Kazakh doctors, health care, developing of medicine in Kazakhstan, leading expert on TB and Lung Diseases, outstanding physician and scientist, to work as an intern, phthisiopulmonologic department, rector of Kazakh National Medical University, pulmonary tuberculosis.

Find in the texts all sentences, in which the constructions would like to, want to, going to are used. Make up 4 sentences of your own according to the main contents of the texts, using these constructions in them. His ancestors and relatives3. His political activity during the years of revolution. His activity as the head of Ministry of Health Care and the first assistant of culture branch.

Fund, named by S. His scientific activity. Muminov as the author of State standard and the concept of High Medical Education. His main scientific and pedagogical titles, merits and medals. Language laboratory. Exercises for medical students. Control:Questions to the theme:S. What profession had S. Did the education and political activity of his ancestors and relatives help him in political and scientific work?

What Academy did S. Asfendiarov graduate from? Where did he work during the years of establishment of Soviet Power? When did he get the grade of the professor? Where did he work after getting of this grade? What Institutes did he organize?

Was he the first rector of Kazakh State Medical Institute? Did S. Asfendiarov constitute much in becoming and developing of medicine in Kazakhstan?

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What Institute did T. Muminov graduate from? Has he great and fruitful scientific activity? Did he create several variants of State standard and the concept of High medical education? Has T. Muminov many scientific and public titles?

What antituberculosic program was worked out? Where did Muminov T. What thesis did he defend? When did Muminov T. And where did he work after that? When was Muminov T. What are his basic clinical, scientific and pedagogical interests?

Aim: To develop communicative skills and habits in reading, writing, speaking. To practice their speech To teach the students to use the new lexics in their speech To teach the students to put the questions To introduce Grammar material.

Grammar: We use Present Continuous tense to talk about actions in progress at the time of speaking and for actions that are not necessarily in progress at the time of speaking but have not finished.

Contact hour 1Work on phonetics:Remember [s] before e,i,y eg: cell, cinema A The letter Cc is pronounced as [k] in other cases eg: cat, cold. Put down the words into 4 columns with the sounds [s],[k],[g],[d]. Gate, page, big, stage, icy, slice, age, cell, gin, bag, mice, gold, cup, cap, clean, got, gym, fact, pencil, nice. Exercise 2. Read the following words paying attention to the rules of pronunciation and translate them.

Give, black, nice, club, picture, gas, scale, crucible, glassware, escape, can, class, large, gate, ceiling. Exercise 3. Write the taranscription of the following words and translate them:.

Alpine tve t730

Eg: I am using the photocopier at the moment. Eg: I am walking to work this week. Exercise 1. Give the Participle 1 of the following verbs.

Alpine tve t730

To work, to start, to study, to live, to do, to make, to learn, to sit, to write, to read, to call, to have, to listen, to give, to put, to sleep, to stop, to use. BMW …………. People …………. I …………….. She ………….. Write short answers to these questions1.

Alpine tve t730

Is the situation getting better? Yes, 2. Are they improving the quality of their services? No, 3. Is their new shop attracting a lot of customers? No, Are you and Robert testing our new product? Yes, Contact hour 2Work on wordsRead and memorize the new words to the text. Beaker- мензуркаFunnel- воронкаBurner- горелкаCrucible- тигельEscape- улетучиватьFilter —stand- фильтровальная установкаFlask- колбаBench- лабораторный столGlassware- стеклянная посудаLaboratory liquid- лабораторная жидкостьOdour- запахRack- узкая палочка.

Sink with running water- водопроводный кранTest- tube- пробиркаVapour- парWater — bath- водяная баняEvaporate- выпариватьTo obtain- получатьPure- чистыйExercise 1. Choose the correct equivalents of the English words.

Translate these words and word- combinationsШтатив для пробирок, горелка, тигель, лабораторный стол, фильтровальная установка, жидкость, бутыль, мензурка, колба, во время опыта. This is our chemical laboratory. We have our practical classes on chemistry in the chemical laboratory. It is on the first floor. Our laboratory is a large room. There are two benches in it. There are shelves and racks above the benches. On the shelves, you can see some glasswear.

You can see funnels, beaker and flasks of different forms on the shelves. There are also bottles with liquids and solids on the shelves. On the benches, there are burners, crucibles and scales. There are also test-tube stands and filter-stands there. All the burners are connected with the main gas line by a rubber tube.

There is a sink with running water in every chemical laboratory. On the wall, you can see the Periodic Table. Each student has his or her working place in the laboratory. The students of our University study Chemistry. They study different branches of chemistry such as organic, inorganic,analytical and other branches of chemistry.

Every week the students attend lectures and have their practical classes on chemistry. The first year students study inorganic chemistry. They have practical classes in a chemical lab, which is equipped with special apparatus.

During practical classes, the students make many interesting experiments. They obtain pure oxygen, hydrogen and other elements and study their properties. They often dissolve and mix substances and obtain solutions and mixtures. Before a reaction, they weigh substances, as they have to know the exact amount of substances, which they use in a reaction. During the reaction they observe it and at the end of a reaction they record the yield. All the burners are connected with ………………2.

They study different branches of chemistry such as ………………3. They have practical classes in a chemical lab.

Before a reaction …………………………5. During the reaction they …………………. Make the sentences using the following word- combinations in the Present Continuous tense:. To have practical classes. To go to the chemical laboratory. To take glassware from the shelves.

To shake the bottles with liquids. To study the Periodic table. Read the following word- combinations and find the sentences with them. Translate into Russian. To weigh substances, branches of chemistry, to attend lectures, to be equipped with special apparatus, at the end of reaction. Control 1. Answer the questions Where do medical students have their practical classes on chemistry? How many benches are there in your laboratory? What do the students obtain? Translate the following sentences using the Present Continuous tense Что вы сейчас делаете?

Кто стоит у доски? Студенты сидят, и регистрирует результат реакции. Вы идете в химическую лабораторию? Куда вы идете? Find the sentences with the following word-combinations and translate them. Фильтровальная установка.

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Basic Thematic issues: As the students study Chemistry they should know what chemistry deals with, elements and compounds, their types. In the text about Chemistry new lexics and special English chemical terminology are widely used. Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, reading and translating the text, doing grammatical, phonetical and lexical exercises, working with book.

I you, he, she, we, they should buy a dictionaryI you, he, she, we, they should not worry about the examShould I you, he, she, we, they come in now? You look tired. You should go to bed. Should we invite Susan to the party? Translate the sentences. Chemistry is a science of substances, their structure, their properties and the reactions that change them into other substances. Chemistry is a great and complex subject. Substances may exist in any of the three states.

They may exist as solids, liquids or gases. Sulphur, iron and silver are solids, at an ordinary temperature, bromine and mercury are liquids in the same conditions and oxygen and hydrogen are gases. But solid substances may become liquids if we heat them to a proper temperature.

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