Engine anti pollution system faulty peugeot 607,

Engine anti pollution system faulty peugeot 607

Даже не интересовался, но с проблемой ваноса, например, в моторах бмв начитался. Запчасти из настоящего списка, как правило, имеются в запасе, если только он не распродан. Send us the brand, type and serial number mentioned on your old unit and TVH will offer you the solution that meets your requirements. Contact us if you require a similar article that is not shown in this catalogue: alternatives might be available.

Это говорит об отсутствии либо слишком низком уровне тормозной жидкости в системе авто. Необходимо долить «тормозухи» до требуемого уровня.

Если же это не помогло, то следует прозвонить электропроводку. Сообщается о полном износе тормозных колодок. В частности, речь идет непосредственно о передних колодках, о задних элементах тормозной системы информация на экран бортового компьютера не выводится. В этом случае необходимо будет произвести замену колодок. Некорректно работает катализатор выхлопной системы.

Рекомендуется произвести более детальную проверку машины. Возможно, катализатор просто вышел из строя и требуется его замена.

Но есть вероятность того, что произошла поломка кислородного датчика системы. Сообщается о низковатом уровне моторной жидкости в ДВС. Необходимо осуществить проверку уровня на холодном двигателе, чтобы точно быть уверенным в том, что уровень замерен правильно. Сообщается о слишком высокой температуре мотора. Проверьте, не кипит ли антифриз в расширительном бачке. Либо же возникли определенные проблемы в работе вентилятора системы или самого устройства регулирования температуры термостата.

Кроме того, необходимо проверить уровень антифриза. Зачастую причиной такой ошибки является поломка датчика температуры. Блок управления Пежо , или сообщает о некорректной работе системы динамической стабилизации движения машины. В этом случае делать самому что-то бессмысленно. Более точный диагноз может поставить только компьютерная диагностика.

Блок управления Пежо сигнализирует о возникновении неполадок в работе впускного распределительного электрического клапана переменного сечения. Нужно проверить работу этого элемента и, если требуется, осуществить его смену. Автомобиль сообщает о поломке устройства регулирования фаз механизма ГРМ, а именно дефектах в функционировании распределительного шкива. Ошибки Р и Р являются распространенными для автомобилей Пежо , и Необходимо тщательно проверить регулятор и его проводку.

Сообщается о дефектах в работе устройства управления инжектором одного из четырех цилиндров. В частности, БК говорит об открытом контуре цилиндров, что подразумевает детальную их проверку. Блок управления зафиксировал некорректный сигнал управляющего регулятора контроля скорости. Возможно, от регулятора оторвался контакт, поэтому следует произвести не только проверку работоспособности устройства, но и прозвонить проводку, ведь иногда проблема заключается именно в ней.

Таким образом водителю сигнализируют о дефектах в работе устройства ограничения скорости. Как и в случае выше, следует проверить не только его функциональность, но и осуществить диагностику электропроводки. Есть вероятность, что от регулятора отошел контакт. Такие коды говорят о неполадках термостата. Устройство регулирования температуры двигателя функционирует неправильно. Речь идет об обрыве проводов или коротком замыкании. Р сообщает о высоком уровне топливной смеси. Возможно, проблема Р кроется в верхнем лямбда-зонде.

Overspeed warning. Превышение скорости. Низкий уровень тормозной жидкости. Brake fluid level. Включен ручной тормоз. Износ тормозных колодок. Automatic gearbox fault. Ошибка работы АКПП. Lights left and door open.

Не выключен свет и открыта дверь. Lights in AUTO mode. Автоматический режим включения света. Автоматический режим работы стеклоочистителей. Economy mode active. Экономичный режим.

anti pollution Fix Peugeot Citroen, psa diesel .Exhaust pressure Sensor.

Battery charge fault. Низкий уровень топлива. Max coolant temperature. Высокая температура охлаждающей жидкости. Engine temperature too high. Высокая температура двигателя. Cooling circuit level low. Низкий уровень охлаждающей жидкости.

Coolant level warning. Engine oil pressure too low. Низкое давление масла в двигателе. Oil level warning. Низкий уровень масла в двигателе. Engine oil level too low.

Engine oil temperature. Высокая температура масла двигателя. Key leftin ignition. Ключ в замке зажигания. Door open engine running. Открыта дверь при работе двигателя.

Child safety status. Включена блокировка «от детей». Plip battery low. Батарейка пульта зарядка низкая. Remote battery low. Transponder fault.

Ошибка передачи кода ключа. Automatic central locking. Автоматическое закрытие дверей когда функция активна.

Неисправность системы контроля. Diesel additive low level. Низкий уровень присадки. Catalitic Converter fault. Неисправность системы очистки выхлопа экология. Antipollution fault. PF clogging risk.

Засорение сажевого фильтра. Ошибка Airbag подушки безопасности. Passenger airbag diactivated. Подушка пассажира отключена. Fuel pump cut-off. Выключение топливного насоса. Puncture warning. Повреждение шины. Under — inflation warning.

Падение давления в шине. Type pressure not detected. Нет сигнала давления в шине. Electric motors, internal combustion engines, printed circuit boards, hydraulic pumps, transmissions, torque converters, radiators, steering axles, starters, wide range of test devices which allow us to pass stringent quality controls on various spare parts.

The tests are designed in such a manner that a realistic work situation is generated during the tests. Buying one of our reconditioned parts is the perfect availability and the conditions! You can buy a reconditioned part with or without the return of an old unit service exchange parts. Find out more about our reconditioned parts in our brochure RE or go to downloads on www.

TVH has a large stock of hydraulic pumps for all material handling makes and models. We stock over different pumps. If you could send us a clear and legible picture of the ID plate on the pump, this will also enable us to find the correct pump for you.

If you have a double pump, in most cases the front pump with shaft and mounting flange will have the ID plate for the complete assembly. If you have questions or concerns finding the correct pump in MyProductSearch, please contact your sales advisor. The technical sheet can help us find the pump you need. All units are tested on our in-house developed test bench.

This test bench enables us to measure the speed, flow and system pressure and register possible pressure losses. We can also build up the pressure in the hydraulic system to simulate a work load. The ergonomic and easy-to-use control panel. This device also allows us to print a test certificate after the test procedure.

We can offer you the brands below: Danfoss, Eaton, Linde Hydraulics, Parker, Poclain, Rexroth Please give us full details of the hydraulic motor and the complete machine.

Please provide us with full details of the steering unit or complete truck details. Electrical valve to double the number of working functions of a lever universal application Voltage V 12 24 48 Fast curing. The product cures when confined in the absence of air between close-fitting metal surfaces and prevents loosening and leakage due to shock and vibration.

We recommend following capacity for our hydraulic accumulator: Forklift capacity T 0,5—1 1—3 3—5 5— For specific applications, please contact our sales department.

When the goods have to be shipped by air, it is necessary to order the non-pre-charged version. These should be charged before use for proper operation.

When the goods have to be shipped by air, it is necessary to order the non-pre-charged execution. In addition, we can repair all cylinders. Please contact our sales department for more information or specific offers. Diameter mm 34,92 35 36 37 38 38,1 40 41,27 42 43 44,45 45 46 47, 48 50 50,8 52 53,97 56 57 57,15 Steering cylinders tested directly on the rear axle. Every cylinder is tested before leaving our workshop. Type of base, see figures D2. Dimension measured on the base, see figures L2.

Dimension measured on the base, see figures TA1. Thread type of the base if present , see figures TY-BU. Type of tube, see figures D1. Dimension measured on the tube, see figures D3. Dimension measured on the tube, see figures TA2. Thread type of the tube if present , see figures TY-PI. Type of piston shaft, see figures D4. Diameter of the piston shaft, see figures L1. Dimension measured on the piston shaft, see figures D5.

Dimension measured on the piston shaft, see figures L3. Dimension measured on the piston shaft, see figures D6. Dimension measured on the piston shaft, see figures L4. Dimension measured on the piston shaft, see figures TA3. Thread type of the piston shaft if present , see figures TA4. Thread type of the piston shaft if present , see figures L5.

Total measured length of the cylinder, fully retracted, see figure S. Stroke of the piston shaft, see figure. PS: For external diameters the actual size is taken, with potential present parts. TVH supplies a wide range of static, linear and rotary hydraulic seals. Both seals and seal kits can be modified to meet the demands of our customers. Seals are highly stressed components of hydraulically or pneumatically operated machines and devices, that are crucial for the functioning of these systems.

In general, seals have a lifetime which is shorter than the lifetime of the machine in which they are installed. The replacement of seals during repair and maintenance cycles is a standard procedure and accepted as well as planned by the general engineering industry.

A seal replacement due to leakage or other failures should always include an analysis of the cause of the failure.

Коды ошибок Пежо 307

The knowledge about the cause of the failure and the specific reaction to it will prevent or postpone the failure in the future and will give a safer, more reliable and more profitable use of the machine or equipment. Please contact our sales department for dimensions and availability. Also available in other variations of hardness. To order o-rings, please use prefix and add the inner dimensions and the thickness of the o-ring. MyProductSearch helps you find the parts that you need by means of their technical details or specifications.

Simply select the correct group and enter the dimensions or specifications to find the desired part. Identify your parts by means of specifications or technical info. No part number, vehicle make or type of truck?

DC hydraulic power unit for two single-acting functions e. Electric motor kW 2 2 2. DC hydraulic power unit for mixed double- and single-acting functions e. Tail lift with: A. Single-acting lift cylinders B. Double-acting tilt cylinders Operations: 1. Lifting pump power up 2. Lowering gravity down 3. Tilt close pump power close 4.

Tilt open pump power open Note: Relief valve setting has to be examined and adjusted to lift construction. Overall length, see according to type B1. Overall width, see according to type H1. Lowest tension of the motor volt U2. Highest tension of the motor volt I. Current ampere N. Revolutions per minute P. Power kW. If stated in horsepower, ratio HP-kW is 0, e. Cycle of operation S1: continuous operation, see identification plate S2. Cycle of operation S2: brief operation, see identification plate S3.

Voltage of the starter relay volt , if present Q1. Pressure in bar. Capacity of the pump: number of cc per revolution TY-FL. Type of flange of the hydraulic pump, see figures AT-EL. Number of pump elements DRZ2. Diameter of the suction side 1st element TA1.

Thread type of the suction side 1st element D2. Diameter of the pressure side 1st element TA2. Thread type of the pressure side 1st element D3. Diameter of the suction side 2nd element TA3. Thread type of the suction side 2nd element D4. Diameter of the pressure side 2nd element TA4. Thread type of the pressure side 2nd element LIT. Capacity of the reservoir, in litres L2.

Length of the reservoir B2. Width of the reservoir H2. Height of the reservoir D5. Diameter of the reservoir HV. Voltage of the valve volt , if electrical decompression TY-VA.

Diameter of the lowering choke Q2. The kit is the ideal tool for every application in service, maintenance and repair of hydraulic systems. Depending on the pressure ranges you can choose between This kit is delivered in a durable case. The kit can be used for quick and reliable troubleshooting. Basic pressure measuring kit This kit contains the most basic components to diagnose the hydraulics. Packed in a durable case. General pressure measuring kit This diagnostic service case has all the general components to diagnose the hydraulics on your machine.

Pressure measuring kit This diagnostic service case has all the required components to diagnose the hydraulics on your machine. RE CM Other test points, test hoses and pressure gauges are available from stock. Please contact the sales department. Universal accumulator pressure control kit This kit enables you to check or to change the pressure of a hydraulic accumulator. Discharging the accumulator is also possible with this kit. Compatible with all hydraulic accumulator connections.

All this comes in a durable, lightweight case.

Peugeot 207 1.4 Hdi Common Problems including low power airflow sensors and antipollution faulty

Basic flow indicators These in-line flow indicators are designed for trouble-shooting the hydraulics of the machine. They can be mounted in any orientation and are weatherproof for. Flow and temperature indicator This indicator can measure flow and temperature of your hydraulic system. Flow indicator with loading This indicator can measure flow, temperature and pressure of your hydraulic system in both directions.

Digital hydraulic tester This hydraulic tester shows the flow and temperature digitally with the push of a button. The pressure is shown analogous. It comes with a built-in loading valve, which enables you to test the system.

The tester can be used in both directions which simplifies the testing.

СТО по Peugeot(Киев) (Всі сторінки)

The device is robust, portable and lightweight. The tester is protected by a very durable steel case. From date of construction October and onwards From date of construction March and onwards. Quantity Remarks 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 1 2 From year of construction and onwards Material: cast iron 2 Up to year of construction Material: stamped plate 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1.

Housing complete, right-hand side Housing complete, right-hand side Housing complete, right-hand side Housing complete, left-hand side Housing complete, left-hand side. Type: DSL Quantity Remarks 4 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 1 Quantity depends on width of sideshifter Quantity depends on width of sideshifter Quantity depends on width of sideshifter Quantity depends on width of sideshifter 2 Quantity depends on width of sideshifter.

Thanks to our extensive accumulated experience, we can offer you a wide range of high-quality attachments. We sell our products in Product portfolio Our product range includes a comprehensive variety of attachments for different industries and types of machines. After-sales service We have an extensive range of spare parts immediately deliverable from stock. Furthermore, our skilled team of engineers guarantees you a complete after-sales service: we offer repair and maintenance of the attachments either on-site or in our workshop, as well as telephonic technical support.

Key industries Supported by its flexibility and experience, CAM attachments supplies products that successfully operate in all the main sectors of the market, such as the logistics industry, construction, food and beverage, agricultural sector, paper handling, recycling, white goods, manufacturing and foundry applications. Attachments for all machines Our attachments are made for different types of machines, such as forklifts, skid steer loaders, telehandlers and tractor loaders.

CD1 SH CD2 SH CD3 SH CD4 SH CD5 SH CD6 SH CD7 SH CD8 SH W4 mm W6 mm LL mm 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 VCG mm Weight kg 79 84 85 88 92 93 98 97 TVH stocks a wide variety of trailer cable chains, specifically for reach stackers and spreaders.

You can even find the accessories such as connecting elements and partitions with us. Go to MyProductSearch to discover more references. Your interactive online webshop for spare parts The user-friendly search modules MyPartsFinder and MyProductSearch allow you to always find the correct part. Alternatively, you can also easily search by part number. It is also possible to search further via MyProductSearch for a similar part with other characteristics if necessary, or the parts can also be compared to each other.

Only use chain links and pins to connect the chain to the anchor. Never connect individual pieces of chain together. This will always void the warranty. Be careful when choosing a pin.

Width of the connected chain anchor could be larger than the width of the chain on its own. TVH has a solution for all your chain requirements. We supply quality chains for the most demanding applications, cut to the desired length. In addition, we also have a wide variety of different accessories. Each ordered chain is automatically accompanied by a chain certificate. TVH collaborates with the top brands of the chain world. All roller chains are Donghua-branded. These original quality chains come supplied in bulk or cut to the desired length.

In addition to the standard high-quality steel chains, we also supply corrosion-resistant leaf chain Dacromat. These are suitable for use in extreme weather or extreme environment conditions.

You can find the desired chain type in this parts catalogue or in MyProductSearch, the online research module in MyTotalSource. If neither of these can offer you a solution, then you can leave the research up to us.

All you need to do, is to fill in a technical sheet and we will do the rest. You can also find the desired chain links, pins and anchors in this catalogue or MyProductSearch. Should you be unable to find the correct reference, you can fill in a technical sheet and leave the identification to us. You can find these tools on of this catalogue.

A good lubrication the chain optimally. We supply a chain certificate with each chain order. This chain certificate automatically appears on your order confirmation. How to determine the correct chain length in the easiest way: 1. Ending on inners:. Note: this formula can only be used for chains ending on the inner plates.

If you have a chain ending on the outer plates, this has to be clearly specified in the request. This elongation can be measured by means of a wear gauge. The measurement is performed across the piece of chain that runs over the chain roller. This part of the chain is subjected to the most stress and is therefore the ideal measuring point.

If this is not done, the chains are subject to an unequal load. This will result in an uneven wear, which might lead to breakage. A chain is subject to dynamic impact loads, which speed up the wear process. In case of wear or breakage these must be replaced. We offer all kinds of tools to cut roller chains. Select the right tool depending on chain type and pitch. For leaf chain disassembly, we. Although the use of pressing material is preferred, this procedure assumes the use of hammer and chain pin extractor.

The cutting should be done on a workbench or other sturdy support surface. First hit the pin with the hammer until the head of the chain pin is equal with the plate, continue to drive the pin through the plates with a hammer and chain pin extractor. The chain pin extractor should have a diameter slightly less than the pin link plate aperture.

L Grind the head of the pin flush with the pin link. Remove the pin by using a hydraulic press and the matching toolkit. Type of chain: simplex roller chain duplex roller chain triplex roller chain quadruplex roller chain leaf chain. Total height P. Pitch length L. Total length B. Total width B2. Inner link width B3. Inner width D1. Roller diameter D2. Pin diameter S. Plate thickness TY-SK. Type of leaf chain, see combinations MAT.

Nominal breaking load, in kN F2. Actual breaking load, in kN F3. Test load, in kN F4. Type of chain anchor L1. Total length TA. Thread type if any Pm. Pitch metric Pi. RH-thread or LH-thread L2.

Diameter of the chain pin hole D2. Diameter of the anchor pin hole AT-GL. Number of slots LG-GL. Position of slots, see pictures B1. Dimensions as per pictures B2. Smallest distance between the slots B3. Largest distance between the slots TY-K1. Type of chain TY-K2. Type of chain SL.

Is there a chain lock? Type S Very special, none of the above types. Please fill out as many of the dimensions as possible, and add a drawing of the chain anchor.

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The standard reference includes only the press, additional options can be bought separately. RE CM 2. Click on the Euro symbol to get a pop-up inquiry or click on the i-button to see the technical details.

To move and stock forklift masts in a safe way B: Centre to centre of fork pockets Technical details:. High-quality material: Made of chromium-manganese steel which quarantees a high mechanical strength.

Refined finish: Manufactured on the basis of a rolled profile. Observe the European standards: ISO standards and TVH cerfified Class. Protects products, staff, pallets, racking, fixtures Enhance safety Considerably reduce product damage Easy-to-install Increase lifespan of pallets Cost-effective warehouse protection Decrease insurance claims.

Protect the load Prevent slipping Noise-reducing Absorb impact Very wear-resistant Fork blade protection Fork back protection. Application: The anti-scratch, anti-slip magnetic fork blade covers can be used for handling a wide range of loads. They can either be used where products could be damaged from contact with bare forks or when confronted with a slippery load like cages or metal boxes. Should not be used to handle wooden pallets! An incorrect tilt angle of the forks is the leading cause of both racking and product damage.

Even the most experienced operator has difficulty judging the tilt of the forks when he is entering pallets high on the rack. The Accu-Tilt shows the operator the level of the forks at all times thereby reducing potential damage caused by piercing products or racking and increasing productivity by eliminating the guesswork.

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Additionally, the Accu-Tilt will also indicate to the operator the correct angle to travel with a load as well to park the lift truck.

The use of the MagProtect will drastically decrease the risk of industrial accidents. High-quality magnets ensure the corner protector will always stay in place. This way hazardous situations belong to the past. The MagProtect can easily be attached to and removed from any metal construction.